DisableAPIbool`envconfig:"DISABLE_API" required:"false" default:"false"`// If true API interface won't start
Driverstring`envconfig:"DRIVER" required:"false" default:"NATS"`// Select driver to use to communicate with the group of nodes. The possible values are NATS and Redis
NATSURLstring`envconfig:"NATS_URL" required:"false"`// NATS URL used to connect to the NATS server
NATSDiscoveryChannelstring`envconfig:"NATS_DISCOVERY_CHANNEL" required:"false" default:"lobby.discovery"`// Channel where the kepp alive packets are sent
Labelsserver.Labels`envconfig:"LABELS" required:"false" default:""`// List of labels
LabelsPathstring`envconfig:"LABELS_PATH" required:"false" default:"/etc/lobby/labels"`// Path where filesystem based labels are located
RuntimeLabelsFilenamestring`envconfig:"RUNTIME_LABELS_FILENAME" required:"false" default:"_runtime"`// Filename for file created in LabelsPath where runtime labels will be added
HostNamestring`envconfig:"HOSTNAME" required:"false"`// Overrise local machine's hostname
CleanEveryuint`envconfig:"CLEAN_EVERY" required:"false" default:"15"`// How often to clean the list of servers to get rid of the not alive ones
KeepAliveuint`envconfig:"KEEP_ALIVE" required:"false" default:"5"`// how often to send the keepalive message with all availabel information [secs]
TTLuint`envconfig:"TTL" required:"false" default:"30"`// After how many secs is discovery record considered as invalid
NodeExporterPortuint`envconfig:"NODE_EXPORTER_PORT" required:"false" default:"9100"`// Default port where node_exporter listens on all registered servers
Registerbool`envconfig:"REGISTER" required:"false" default:"true"`// If true (default) then local instance is registered with other instance (discovery packet is sent regularly)
Callbackstring`envconfig:"CALLBACK" required:"false" default:""`// path to a script that runs when the is a change in the labels database
CallbackCooldownuint`envconfig:"CALLBACK_COOLDOWN" required:"false" default:"15"`// cooldown that prevents to run the config change script too many times in row
CallbackFirstRunDelayuint`envconfig:"CALLBACK_FIRST_RUN_DELAY" required:"false" default:"30"`// Wait for this amount of seconds before callback is run for first time after fresh start of the daemon