2025-01-16 15:52:15 +01:00

61 lines
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from operator import is_
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
class Price:
hours: Dict[str, float]
now: Optional[float] = None # Price in current hour
class CheapestHours:
hours: List[int]
is_cheapest: Optional[bool] = None
class MostExpensiveHours:
hours: List[int]
is_the_most_expensive: Optional[bool] = None
class DayPrice:
monthly_fees: float
monthly_fees_hour: float
kwh_fees_low: float
kwh_fees_high: float
sell_fees: float
low_tariff_hours: List[int]
hour: int
vat: float
spot: Price
total: Price
sell: Price
cheapest_hours: CheapestHours
most_expensive_hours: MostExpensiveHours
cheapest_hours_by_average: CheapestHours
most_expensive_hours_by_average: MostExpensiveHours
class SpotPrices:
spot: Price
spot_hours_total_sorted: Price
spot_total: Price
spot_for_sell: Price
class BatteryChargingInfo:
diff: float # Difference between the cheapest and the most expensive hour
is_viable: bool # Is it viable to charge or discharge the battery today
charging_hours: List[int] # Hours when it is viable to charge the battery
is_charging_hour:bool # Is it viable to charge the battery in the current hour
discharging_hours: List[int] # Hours when it is viable to discharge the battery
is_discharging_hour:bool # Is it viable to discharge the battery in the current hour