#!/bin/sh ################################## # Basic structure and purpose file ################################## for d in /srv/log /srv/conf /srv/run /srv/conf/supervisor.d /srv/var; do if [ ! -e $d ]; then mkdir -p $d chown app:app $d fi done # Bin directory where active tech is located along other tools mkdir -p /srv/bin # Directory where Nginx stored request bodies mkdir -p /srv/var/nginx/ # Run directory where PID files, socket files a other runtime stuff is located mkdir -p /srv/run # Configuration store for Nginx mkdir -p /srv/conf/nginx.d ################### # Clear tmp files ################### rm -f /srv/run/*.sock rm -f /srv/run/*.pid ################ # Common things ################ # SSH password from file and from system env if [ -e /srv/.rosti ]; then echo "app:`cat /srv/.rosti`" | chpasswd # file with ssh password has different owner chown root:root /srv/.rosti chmod 600 /srv/.rosti fi if [ -n "$SSHPASS" ]; then echo "app:$SSHPASS" | chpasswd fi # Dropbear settings and certificates if [ ! -e /srv/conf/dropbear ]; then mkdir -p /srv/conf/dropbear chmod 700 /srv/conf/dropbear chown root:root /srv/conf/dropbear fi #rm /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key test -e /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key || dropbearkey -t rsa -f /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key test -e /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key || dropbearkey -t dss -f /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key chmod 700 /srv/conf/dropbear chmod 600 /srv/conf/dropbear/* chown -R root:root /srv/conf/dropbear cp /srv/conf/dropbear/* /etc/dropbear/ # vimrc if [ ! -e /srv/.vimrc ]; then cp /opt/etc/vimrc /srv/.vimrc fi # Crontab test ! -e /srv/conf/crontab && touch /srv/conf/crontab if [ -e /srv/conf/crontab ]; then crontab -u app /srv/conf/crontab fi chown app:app /srv/conf/crontab # Start secondary daemons echo "Starting cron .." /usr/sbin/cron echo "Starting dropbear .." dropbear -w -d /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key -r /srv/conf/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key # BASHRC if [ ! -e /srv/.bashrc ]; then cp /opt/etc/bashrc_local /srv/.bashrc chown app:app /srv/.bashrc fi if [ ! -e /srv/.bash_profile ]; then cp /opt/etc/bash_profile /srv/.bash_profile fi cd /srv ################# # Initialization ################# # Install custom packages if [ -e /srv/.extra_packages ]; then apt-get update -y apt-get install -y `cat /srv/.extra_packages | sed "s/;//g" | sed "s/\n/ /g"` fi # Init scripts runned under root if [ -e /opt/etc/script.d/* ]; then for f in `ls /opt/script.d`; do /bin/sh /opt/etc/script.d/$f done fi # Init scripts runned under app user if [ -e /opt/etc/appinit/* ]; then for f in `ls /opt/etc/appinit/*`; do su app -c "/bin/sh $f" done fi # Permissions for app on /srv if [ ! -e /srv/.chowned ]; then chown app:app /srv -R touch /srv/.chowned chown root:root /srv/.chowned chmod 644 /srv/.chowned fi # User's init script if [ -e /srv/app/init.sh ]; then echo "Starting /srv/app/init.sh .." chmod 755 /srv/app/init.sh su app -c /srv/app/init.sh fi # Custom /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf if [ -e /srv/conf/openssl.cnf ]; then rm /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf cp /srv/conf/openssl.cnf /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf fi #################### # Default Nginx page #################### if [ `ls /srv/conf/nginx.d | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then echo ".. no nginx configuration found, adding default page" su app -c "mkdir -p /srv/conf/nginx.d" su app -c "cp /opt/examples/nginx/default.conf /srv/conf/nginx.d/default.conf" fi if [ ! -e /srv/conf/supervisor.d/nginx.conf ]; then echo ".. nginx configuration not found in supervisor, adding it now" su app -c "cp /opt/examples/nginx/supervisor.conf /srv/conf/supervisor.d/nginx.conf" fi while /bin/true; do su app -c "supervisord -n -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf" sleep 5 done